Friday, December 22, 2006

Self harm: new page on my website

My little sister is doing Relay this year, and for her elective she's been studying self harm. This is a massive area, and a huge problem amongst those who suffer from mental illness. It's important that, when caring for such people, we respond with sensitivity, but also with some understanding of the issue. There isn't much literature on this from a Christian perspective, so it's really exciting to have this:

Monday, December 04, 2006

The wedding...

So Pete and I got married five and a bit weeks ago, sorry for the delay in posting! We were away in Ireland for two weeks, then I got the flu, and then I had to catch up on work, settle into my new home, etc...
Anyway, the wedding was great :) We really felt that it brought glory to God, and it was just thrilling to have all our friends and family with us for our special day.
As it was our wedding we got to pick some of our favourite hymns! We had 'Object of my first desire, Jesus crucified for me', 'Immortal invisible God only wise', 'The Lord's my Shepherd I'll not want', 'How deep the Father's love for us', 'We rest on Thee our Shield and our Defender', and 'Jesus Jesus all sufficient'.
The readings were both from 1 Peter, firstly 1v13-21, then 3v1-7. Allan preached clearly on the need for Christ to be at the centre of our marriage if it's going to have any chance of lasting, that He is the one who will help me to be submissive, and Pete to be considerate (1Peter3), and that Christ is the only hope for all of us - we need to be saved!
After the service we had coffee & cakes at the Community Centre opposite the church (just as well we didn't have to go far, as it was raining all day!), where we got to chat to lots of people, which was lovely.
The reception was back at the church, our ushers and friends from church did a lovely job of transforming the hall for the evening, and then transforming it back for the service the next day! Everyone enjoyed the day, it was nicely informal!
We praise God for a day which we feel honoured Him, and seek Him for the rest of our marriage, that He would use it to bring Him glory, however He sees fit to do so!