Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Neglected foretaste of heaven...

"Is it not tragic that professed believers have to be cajoled, almost goaded, into worshipping God? The 'quiet time' of personal devotion is neglected by so many, as if it were a tedious burden. Modern Christians are ready to busy themselves in almost any religious activity but that of quiet communion with their Lord, regarded more as a duty than a delight. They hope to go to heaven, claim to be looking forward to it eagerly. Yet the essence of the heaven they profess to long for is that communion with Christ in which they show so little interest!"

A challenge from Edward Donnelly's book, Heaven and Hell. I say I long for heaven, yet spend so little time in communion with God. And in neglecting my quiet times I neglect that foretaste of heaven, where I'll have perfect, eternal communion with Him! Craziness.

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