Saturday, October 27, 2007

R.I.P. SSRIs 2001-2007

Six and a half years ago I was prescribed my first anti-depressant medication. A couple of weeks ago, I took my last (God willing!). Am I cured? No. But I'm much, much better than I have ever been, and am able to cope now without the meds.

This is a good time to look back, and testify to how good God has been to me through the illness.
He has given me so many good gifts:

* Medications which help to alleviate the symptoms of depression

* Doctors who prescribed them with caution and care

* Cognitive behavioural therapy - if you've had it, you'll know what I mean!

* Family and friends who have patiently loved me through the ups and downs

* My husband, who vowed to love me in sickness and in health, knowing more than most how hard this would be!

* Great promises in His Word
1 Corinthians 10:13 "God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it."
- although I sometimes believed things were too hard, and God couldn't keep this promise, He did.

* Himself - most importantly, through all of this He has been with me. He is my comfort and my strength, He is the One who keeps me and guides me through all the hard times, and the easy times. If the depression had not been from His hand, I couldn't have borne it - only the knowledge that this is from Him, for His glory and for my good, kept me going, and will keep me going, in the darkness. Psalm 56:8 says that God keeps all our tears in a bottle. None of our pain is wasted, and none of it is ignored by our Father. He loves me, and will keep me til the end. Praise God!

1 comment:

Gareth said...

Rach what a great testimony to the Lord! God bless you. gruffy