Monday, July 25, 2005

27 days and counting...

Hmm, so it's 27 days since I came off medication. For the first time in over four years, I am not dosed up on antidepressants! My brain is not being altered, messed up or assisted (depending which meds we're referring to) in the management of my emotional state. Wierd. But good. I think. Time will tell I guess.

God's been so good, so faithful. I'm so thankful to Him for keeping me through the hard times, and bringing me through each time. And now I don't have a head full of pills - that's something to be thankful for :)

In other news...
I'm reading through Luke at the moment, and this verse really struck me:
"So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple." Luke 14v33
Jesus doesn't call us to half-heartedly follow Him when we can be bothered - He demands, and deserves, everything. He is Lord, so I need to renounce ALL else, and follow Him. Salvation is such an amazing gift, and He's given it freely - surely I should respond gladly to the call to surrender all to Him!

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